
My photo
Sedona, AZ
Lover of life, Ayurveda Educator, Certified Massage Therapist, aromatherapist, herbalist, mother of two beautiful crystal children, Jasmine Skye and Mira Shanti, wife, organic gardener, spa junkie

Monday, October 12, 2009

International Spa Conference post bliss

an ISPA smile from Austin to you....

I must say there is something magical that happens when many like-minded people come together to share in a common interest.... and may I say, when the interest is SPA, the experience is taken to a whole new level! My days were filled with many new friends including the woman I met the very first day, Tracy. The ironic detail of our meeting was that she is from Sedona, and well, we are moving to Sedona in 2 weeks! Magic Happens!

As I review my notes and begin to try many of the beautiful offerings from the health and body care products I received, I will keep you updated.

Here are a few gems for you:

From the session SILK, Service in Loving Kindness by Holly Steil

"If you want to walk on water, you MUST get out of the boat" "Making a difference in someones life is walking on water"

"The greatest leaders are the greatest servants"

List your greatest gifts, your talents. Contemplate how your gifts can help you reach your life goals.....

From Ram Charan, speaker to many Fortune 500 companies

Yes, unemployment levels are up to 10%, however, that means that 90% of the people have income from jobs and need your services, look for ways to serve the 90%. (my personal interpretation here is be an optimist!!)

From Bertice Berry, PhD

"When you walk with purpose, you collide with destiny"

Check out this Holistic Organic Skin Food body care line. Delicious, PURE and so far, my skin feels great!!
Dr Alkaitis

To radiate and shine with an inner glow, your internal and external body must be in perfect health and harmony. Additionally, your skin care products do not only affect the way you look but also, the way you feel – inside and out. Your skin is the largest organ of the body, reflecting our states of vitality. Caring for it is not merely a quest towards superficial beauty, but an integral investment towards preventive health self-care.

As a research scientist investigating cancer treatments using plant life, Dr. Alkaitis concludes that there is indeed a correlation between our society's dependence on synthetic chemicals and the rapid increase in people suffering from cancer, disease and other degenerative illnesses. In probing the ingredient labels on products in the marketplace that are marked: 'pure' and/or 'natural' cosmetics, he discovered that these supposedly 'pure' products were actually constructed, derived, created from chemicals. Chemical-derived natural products do not support your skin's natural ability to heal.

Applying the synergy of science and nature, Dr. Alkaitis has created the Alkaitis Holistic Organic Skin Treatment Product line. These authentic natural products are steps towards your pure approach to beauty that is 'more than skin deep'. He discovered that only organically-grown plants or those harvested from the unpolluted wilderness contain the superior therapeutic properties. For you, this discovery means that each and every one of the Dr. Alkaitis skin care products are created exclusively via organically grown or wild-crafted plants and unpolluted sea life. Our herbal extracts are made in-house with pure water, certified organic grape alcohol and/or vegetable glycerins. To preserve the healing power of our products, we blend only small batches at a time. Simply pure and natural.

All life springs from the Earth and within this truth is the foundation of Dr. Alkaitis Skin Care.


1 comment:

  1. Blog is awesome, and things you have enlighten, are helpful for Ayurvedic skin care health
